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Birds Mental Maths

Birds Mental Maths is a scheme of work and app for iPad and iPhone that helps provide an even progression to the learning of mental maths. There are 11 levels. The levels consist of 5 parts, each one being assessed by a rapid two minute test.


The app and support material can be used in the classroom and at home. Regular practice improves children's memory for mental maths facts and helps to free them from calculating basic maths facts when they are engaged in tasks like problem solving.

Log in to retain information about levels and achievements.

Children progress through 11 levels. Each level is a small step on from the one before.


The levels comprise of addition, subtraction, pairs, times tables, including division, and a mixture of adding and taking.

Children have 2 minutes to complete 20 questions at the chosen level.

When logged in, the children's achievements are saved.

Free to download tests at each level
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